Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Importações por via marítima dos EUA sem segredos

As empresas norte-americanas que importam mercadorias têm à disposição uma poderosa ferramenta que permite controlar todos os fluxos marítimos de mercadorias das principais fábricas mundiais para os Estados Unidos, um fabuloso instrumento para controlar concorrentes (o que importam e a quem) e fornecedores (a quem mais fornecem o mesmo produto).  Rotas, quantidades e destinatários das mercadorias estão disponíveis nos documentos da alfandega norte-americana, agora do domínio público e disponíveis, através de um serviço de intelligence da empresa Import Genius, em

 American Importers Digging Up Dirt on Suppliers with New Search Tool

American importers are turning to an unlikely source of information about their suppliers and would-be suppliers: U.S. Customs. As it turns out, the shipping manifests for U.S. ocean freight imports are now in the public domain. An Arizona company, Import Genius (, gives importers the tools they need to glean intelligence from this vast array of documents.

Paradise Valley, AZ (PRWEB) March 9, 2010 -- It's not unusual for companies to mislead their customers about who else buys from them, and how much volume they ship every year. For decades, importers depended largely on trust established through long-term relationships with their suppliers to make sure they were not being lied to.

All that is changing, however, with the advent of the Import Genius competitive intelligence service. The company's web site,, lets importers enter the name of their supplier to get a list of all the shipments they sent to other American customers. The data returned includes not only a list of who the suppliers' customers are, but also what they are shipping, the weight of those shipments, the ports that the goods passed through, and much more. "From my desk in Scottsdale, I can run a detailed analysis on the export history of virtually every major factory in the world. That saves importers trips to China and other far away places," says the CEO of Import Genius, David Petersen. "When you can see that a prospective supplier is already supplying several reputable American companies, you can have a pretty high degree of trust in working with them for your own projects."

Not all the data importers are finding represent good news, however. Many companies listing merchandise on popular marketplaces like are little more than startups, without an established customer base or any track record for bringing new products to market.

"The ability to detect when a potential supplier is telling the truth before you ever place an order saves importers lots of headaches," says Mr. Petersen. "The Import Genius service makes it easy to cut through the misleading statements to get to the truth about what overseas companies are really selling to their U.S. customers."

About Import Genius: Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Import Genius provides detailed import data and shipping records on containers imported into the United States. Import Genius customers include Fortune 500 companies, investment banks, freight & logistics businesses, overseas factories, and importers of all sizes.

Ex-Agentes da CIA vasculham lixo para espionagem empresarial

A estória de um, entre vários, ex-agentes da CIA que hoje trabalham para empresas privadas (cada vez mais há interessadas em recrutar este tipo de serviços) com o objectivo de espiar outras empresas privadas.  Os clientes de Rustmann, patrão da empresa de "corporate intelligence" CTC International querem saber mais sobre os competidores e o ex-agente secreto faz entrevistas a empregados insuspeitos e vasculha os caixotes do lixo em busca de informação valiosa. Práticas que nada têm que ver com Inteligência Competitiva, mas que é preciso conhecer e perceber para proteger o mais vital recurso das empresas: a informação.

'James Bond' Tactics Help Companies Spy on Each Other
CIA Says OK for Agents to Moonlight for Private Clients
Feb. 18, 2010

James Bond, meet Fred Rustmann. A former CIA agent, Rustmann now runs a "corporate intelligence" firm that helps companies spy on each other. Like many veterans of the Central Intelligence Agency, Rustmann's spying tricks are in high demand by the private sector.
When one of Rustmann's clients wants to find out about, say, its competitors' upcoming product line-ups, it pays him to conduct undercover interviews with unsuspecting employees and dig through their garbage.
"You can find out all kinds of good stuff in the trash," says Rustmann, founder of CTC International, who spent 24 years in the CIA's clandestine service breaking into embassies and wiretapping foreign government officials.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

IC Vídeo: "Ricky Bobby Tries Competitive Intelligence"

Este curioso vídeo passa uma mensagem clara: Se é verdade que as empresas podem conduzir os seus negócios sem uma metodologia de intelligence, esta não deixa de ser uma boa ideia para uma condução mais segura...  

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Infoguerra pode dar muito dinheiro, o CLARO explica como


José Penedos foi, nas últimas duas décadas, uma referência maior e incontornável no sector da energia. Foi (ainda será...?) considerado um "obstáculo" intransponível por vários interesses obscuros e interessados encapotados.

Liquidar José Penedos em vésperas da venda da participação do Estado na REN é uma operação de mestre... Quem terá sido esse "mestre" é algo de que já é possível suspeitar mas que dentro de semanas ou meses, com a evolução do processo de aquisição da REN, já ficará claro.

Assim se demonstra como uma bem sucedida "guerra de informação" é geradora de fabulosos lucros e essencial na conquista de posições...

Guerra da àgua no Irão e secreta espanhola investiga especulação

Duas notícias publicadas na última edição da TDSNews dão conta da  "Guerra pela àgua no Irão" e "Especulação boslsista sob investigação da secreta espanhola".

VigIE: Irão sob o olhar da IE

A edição número 26, de Fevereiro, da revista VigIE analisa o caso iraniano, numa perspectiva de IE e destaca a guerra das sociedades que gerem os serviços de distribuição de água, bem como um dossier sobre as mulheres na IE.

A revista de informação (elaborada pelos estudantes do Mestrado em Inteligência Económica e Comunicação Estratégica, da Universidade francesa de Poitiers) já tem a publicação deste mês disponível aqui.

Secreta espanhola investiga especulações

O papel de alguns investidores e meios de comunicação nas recentes turbulências nos mercados financeiros está a ser investigado pela secreta espanhola.

Os serviços de intelligence espanhóis estão a investigar “pressões especulativas” que se sentiram sobre Espanha, em consequência da crise que vive a Grécia, revela o jornal El Pais, com base em fontes do Centro Nacional de Inteligência (CNI) espanhol.

“A divisão de Inteligência Económica indaga se os investidores e a agressividade mostrada por alguns meios de comunicação anglo-saxónicos obedece à dinâmica do mercado e aos desafios que enfrenta a economia espanhola, ou se há algo mais por detrás dessa campanha”, diz o jornal.

O ministro do Fomento espanhol, José Blanco, havia já denunciado “manobras algo turvas”, por parte de especuladores financeiros, contra Espanha. “Nada do que está a ocorrer no mundo, incluindo os editoriais de jornais estrangeiros, é casual ou inocente”, alertou.

A alegada fragilidade da economia espanhola e a dúvida da capacidade do país atingir, até 2013, um nível de défice das contas públicas de três por cento do PIB, como prevê o governo de Zapatero, têm alimentado diversos artigos na imprensa estrangeira. Economistas chegaram mesmo a dizer que a situação em Espanha e o défice das contas públicas podem representar uma ameaça ainda maior para o euro do que a situação grega.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Revisão de Literatura sobre IC

Encontrei esta interessante revisão de literatura, com breves notas sobre várias obras, útil para quem queira fazer uma introdução à Inteligência Competitiva. Em breve publicarei a minha selecção pessoal de literatura sobre IC.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Derek Jonson novo CEO da Aurora WDC

A Aurora WDC, uma das mais importantes empresas mundiais de competitive e market intelligence nomeou um novo CEO. O fundador, Arik Johnson, nome incontornável da Inteligência Competitiva, fica como presidente do Conselho de Administração.

Aurora WDC Names 

Derek Johnson CEO

Aurora WDC, a longtime leader in global competitive and market intelligence, announced today that Derek Johnson has been named Chief Executive Officer while founder Arik Johnson has become Chairman of the fast-growing professional services firm.
"Derek's guidance as Director of Research and COO has been critical in building Aurora's presence as a trusted advisor to top managers. I'm thrilled to announce Derek's new leadership of the firm to our clients and partners around the world," said Arik.

Chippewa Falls, WI (PRWEB) March 1, 2010 -- Aurora WDC, a longtime leader in global competitive and market intelligence, announced today that Derek Johnson has been named Chief Executive Officer while founder Arik Johnson has become Chairman of the fast-growing professional services firm.

Aurora WDC offers clients of every kind global primary research, competitive and market analysis, monitoring and training services, software and systems consulting, counter-intelligence, integrated program development and a network of third-party solution partners to intelligence teams and their clients worldwide.
Aurora WDC offers clients of every kind global primary research, competitive and market analysis, monitoring and training services, software and systems consulting, counter-intelligence, integrated program development and a network of third-party solution partners to intelligence teams and their clients worldwide.
"Derek's guidance as Director of Research and COO has been critical in building Aurora's presence as a trusted advisor to top managers. I'm thrilled to announce Derek's new leadership of the firm to our clients and partners around the world," said Arik. "When Derek joined the firm seven years ago I knew our clients would benefit from the discipline, focus and managerial excellence he brings to every project he's involved with and that has enabled Aurora to grow at a sustainable pace. This change will also enable us to work more closely together across lines of business." "While I will continue to be deeply engaged with all of Aurora's research teams and their day-to-day operations, I am proud to have added several key, senior people to our research team over the past few years," Derek said. "Aurora's gifted research managers are the main reason I've had the flexibility to work on developing new capabilities for our clients and feel confident accepting this new responsibility. I look forward to working shoulder-to-shoulder with clients and Aurora's team alike just as I have always done, while also having a stronger role in guiding the overall strategy of Aurora as a company and the value more integrated solutions can provide clients in the future."
Meanwhile, in his first initiative as chairman, Arik is launching Aurora's new R&D lab focused on solving the most persistent, widespread intelligence problems with new and novel methods to reduce risk and exploit growth opportunities.
The company will be celebrating its 15th Anniversary at a special event to be held the evening of Thursday March 11th in Washington DC at the 2010 Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals 25th Annual International Conference.
About Aurora WDC:
Founded in 1995, Aurora offers clients of every kind global primary research, competitive and market analysis, monitoring and training services, software and systems consulting, counter-intelligence, integrated program development and a network of third-party solution partners to intelligence teams and their clients worldwide.
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